Hey there! This year is just flying by. My grandma always told me that once you have kids, that is it; your life will move faster than ever before. I love spring, and it is even more now that I live in the desert. It is like summer right now for those who don't live here. We have been in the pool and soaking up the sun for the past few weeks. It was mainly in the mid-'80s, but a few days last week, it was in the high 90s. We have had to turn on the A/C a few times. The boys have wanted to wear jeans, still forgetting that we are not in the PNW, where at this moment, they have snow and have only had a few times above 50 degrees.
I love all the blooming flowers. I started a tiny little garden. I have more pots to plant in, and I plan to fill them over the next few weeks. Do you garden? Do you have any tips? I have no idea what I am doing in the warm sun! So far, the mint and Basil are bursting and growing; the peas didn't make it at all, which is disappointing. I planted some beautiful flowers, but few didn't make it. I want to grow some lavender and geraniums and try tomatoes, onions, peppers, potatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, and others that I will update you on. I can't grow lilacs or hydrangeas here, and those are my favorite, but Hollyhocks and Poppies seem good for here. I want to do a cactus garden, but I killed the one I put in the house over winter.
How do you kill a cactus? Please leave it to me! I do not have a green thumb at all! I know for sure that we will have a fun summer, and I must admit that I love how lazy we can be all summer, sleeping in, reading books, swimming at the pool, playdates with friends. We have a bucket list that we have come up with that will be so fun to see all the things we are looking forward to doing. We only have about four weeks left of school. I am melancholy that this year is almost over, it has been an incredible year, and the boys have just come into their own. They have made great friends and had the best teachers, we have all had the best time, and I don't want it to end.
I am delighted that, unlike back home, the boys will stay in the Elementary school for one more year! They are far from being ready to be in middle school right now, and I like that I can keep them and keep myself tied to the school one more trip around the sun. This is the last year of them being tiny. You will hear me saying in this blog that time is a thief pretty often. What do you love most about spring? I would so love to know.

Blog re-boot! If you have been following me off and on or before 2011, I was a considerably successful blogger doing travel reviews, holding events, and building a platform that was sponsored by companies that had me try their products, luggage, clothing, restaurants to dine in, hotels, inns, B&B's before they invented Air B&B. Passes to see plays and concerts, all to get honest reviews for them; I was an influencer before influencer was a thing. Then I had the boys! Twins boys in the NICU for months, and after that, I couldn't juggle it all. I remember telling my ex-sister-in-law that I was going to do it all with the babies, that it didn't look too hard to do, and lots of people travel with their kids. I got off the phone with her. I was livid. How dare she think I won't be able to do it all. I wouldn't have postpartum, and I would travel places. That is why I bought a van, so I could carry all the shit babies need. If I could go back and slap myself and yell wake up, lady. I was so cocky when I was not a mom. I thought this would be a breeze because I had been an auntie and a nanny for so long. We haven't talked in years, but If I still talked to her or ran into her at an airport, I would apologize profusely, and she would see me all disheveled, having misplaced something important and on the cusp of having a full-on anxiety attack. No matter what, it for sure would be a site. I wouldn't have time to talk or the capability to hold a conversation longer than a few stolen seconds, but I would say, "Hi, I know it has been such a long time, but I was an asshole. I thought that I knew it all when you were trying to talk some sense into me about motherhood. I would also tell her above everything, and I should have listened. I should have taken the wisdom she was handing me and said thank you! But I didn't. I made a ton of mistakes in my life, and that is one of the biggest. So with that being said, I had to pack up my suitcase and stay home. Once I had the boys, I didn't travel for two and a half years! The Joke is on me. I got a divorce and tried to do it on my own, but that didn't work at all. I got into a relationship for a hot minute and realized that the first relationship you are in after a divorce doesn't work out and that break up is worse than the divorce. It ultimately left me in pieces. ( I will write about all this another time!) So I needed help. With both of my grandparents passing, I didn't feel I needed to stay in Washington, so I got help from my parents, and the boys and I moved into an apartment, My ex lost his job, child support went out the window, and the Neighbor lady was nuts! ( I will also tell these two stories later) So up to my parent's two-bedroom condo where the boys and I shared a bedroom. I slept in the bed; the boys slept on the floor. We started counseling. Big work started in me, and I started writing the blog again. (This blog) but I couldn't get it together. I was a freaking mess. I don't know what I would have done without support from the people that love me. I promise I will get into all this later as well. I am giving you the cliff notes. 2020 we all know that COVID hit, and we went on lockdown. That wasn't a good situation for the three of us, being locked in a house together and sharing a bedroom with them. It was UGLY! We moved to Washington again and then a while later back to Vegas. Then I went to Alaska in the fall of 2020 and met this guy I had been talking to for a few years. I flew up there and stayed with friends. They had him come over and have dinner with us, and we met. It went well; we got to know each other a bit better. He was moving to Idaho, which was closer to me than Alaska. When he got down to the lower 48, we saw each other as much as possible. Then we found out we liked each other about nine months later, and he met the boys, my parents, and my closest friends. I met his best friend and became close with his dad and wife. A few months after that, we were all living together. I will get into all this later as well. But let me say quickly that this man rescued me and stepped into a role he didn't need to take on with the boys. He was the shelter the three of us needed from a storm we had been trying to survive all this time alone. Many times I was drowning. So with that, we moved thousands of miles to the sun, where it can get 117 degrees in the summer, but with this sunshine, we found a life we love, happiness in the boys, and I haven't felt in years here. The good news is the boys are thriving, and we have made good friends. Mr. Right got a career that he loves. We are a family. Our only family is each other; leaning on just us has shown that this is who I want to spend the rest of my life with. A while ago we got engaged a few months ago, and we are low-key planning something but sneaking to a courthouse to do it sounds better and better! ( We will get into all this later as well.) So now that you are all caught up, this is what we are doing! We are re-launching this blog. I will be writing about daily things, trips, and the life of a mom, just still stumbling around. Hopefully, my older readers who followed me when I was blogging so long ago will join me again and see the growth in me that I have worked hard on. I am far from perfect and have so much still to learn but join me in this crazy busy life while I try to figure it all out. I love when my readers interact with me, so please comment, follow me on the socials, and ask me and suggest anything you think would be a good fit! Welcome back, babies!
Its been a long time... Why is that? Well a 100 different things have been on my plate. Photography, being a single mom to twin boys, COVID, online forced home schooling, Vegas, Washington, Vegas, Washington, Idaho, Uthah, Montana, Oregon, California, traveling to Alaska, Writing a childrens book, getting book published, getting a job, interning at a fab spa, road trips,loosing things I thought were important to me, finding out that it never was. Keep a household running, moving and moving back home. Find the love of my life that has been in my life as my friend for a few years. When we met it was over for me, with him it is very different.
It is all alittle overwhelming but after all these moments I have grown. When I say that I have grown it wasn't with out pain and it wasn't out of rewards. I put in a ton of work with a wonderful threapist. When I say I put in the work I mean I talked about things that made me ill, made me mad made me sad but it also made me realize the things in my past I wont ever go through or put up with again. I don't need to feel badly about people who choose to leave my life. That is life we have people that come and go. I know that I am not the best friend all of the time and like a plant if you don't water the relationships that we have they will fade away.
A few health thigs thrown in there for me, for the boys, for some close friends and family. I knew understanding of what my parents have done for me, we never know what our parents do for us until we become parents ourselves. With every parent/child relationship there are always ups and downs but the things I have been taught and have learned is the fact that I will never give up on my parents, my children or that handful of people in mylife and you want to know something else they will never give up on me.
Self love and self care is so important right now. One of my self care things that make me feel grounded and centered is writing and getting back into my blog is going to help me feel like myself. I want to thank you all for being so nice and understanding when I take these big steps back. In the past six years I never have felt put togehter. (I am naturally a hot mess) but now I am feeling like slowly piece by piece my life is starting to become whole again, well maybe not again but for the first time in my adult life I feel like I am making big steps forward in a positive part of mylife.
So stay tuned we will be working on the blog to grow and for you to be able to stay up to date with all of our adventures... maybe one day we will even be a party of 4 :)

                            THE NEW SINGLE MOM LIFE...

Single life is the good life.  

However, life has changed more than I ever would have thought, I have said this before but it is nice to not have to check in with anyone... Any parent can probably relate to this but especially the single moms out there.
 Here is a list of things that have changed for me.  I am looking at five years from the time I got divorced, Thought I met the one that I thought was the one.... but that burned down like a single wide mobile home struck by lighting in the middle of Death Valley with a meth lab in it and storing barrels of gas.  
This list is just a fact of life when you are single!
 So enjoy this crazy list of things that have changed to one thing into another... 
Here is how it goes down for me...

1) Laundry night is the new Friday night (and Saturday night).

2) Online dating is the new dating.
3) Finding a single dad online is the new landing a hot catch who shares the same interests.

Getting “winked” at online by men who are your father’s age is the new getting hit on by the creepy guys a the club, bar, frat party, etc…

4)Running errands while your mom watches the kids is the new “Treat yo’ self” day.
5) Wearing a favorite tee shirt with a different pair of pants is the new outfit. 
black yoga pants are my very must-have item or to get dressed up throw on a 
maxi dress on they are as comfortable as sweat pants and you look put together!
Win! Win! 
6) Online shopping is the new black Friday shopping... Thank God for Amazon Prime... 
In this house arrest, I mean quarantine, I would have been lost this entire time. 
I certainly shop online a lot more then I have ever done. 
 I know all the FedEx, UPS, UPPS, Prime,  drivers by all of their first name!
7) Going to the gym to get a 2-hour break while your kids are at Kid 
Space is the new going to the gym to get a good workout and check out hot guys.
I of course go and get a coffee and sit in the cafe area, checking all of my social media. 
Enjoying my time of peace. 
8) Having a glass of wine with a girlfriend on a Wednesday night at a bar painting in the evening is the new multiple shots at a bar with friends all night long. 
Plus now when I get up from sitting for so long 
I waddle due to being sore and I need to be home by 9:00 PM 
or I am feeling my age the next day.  
When did I get so old!?!?
9) I hate going out most of the time but being forced into staying home
made me wish for nights out on the town with my girlfriends, I miss the paint nights, 
heck, I miss going out to see movies in a theater. 
I miss that big ass diet coke and the refills of the popcorn bucket adding extra butter...
I miss real life!!! .

10) Sleeping until 7am is the new sleeping past noon.
The boys are getting way better then they were before and now I get 
to sleep in some days till 7:30 :) 

11) Getting 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep is the new 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
By the time wheel of fortune is over I am about ready to fall asleep...

12) Yoga pants are the new sexy pajamas.

13) Sprinting after your kid who just bolted in a busy parking lot is the new training for a 10K.
14) Throwing on nail polish before a hot date is now the trip to the spa....
15) Shopping at consignment shops is the new trip to Nordstrom.
                                           What are some of your lists you do now that you are single??? 


So this Tuesday I thought I would give a recipe that we call Papa cakes.  My boys are so lucky to have my dad make these pancakes for them, just like my cousins and I were lucky we had a nana that made them for me!  If you haven't tried them without coming from a box then you have to try this super easy super yummy recipe!   It is a staple in our family after you make these for your loved ones it will be a staple for yours as well.   Like yesterday's post about my favorite breakfast, this takes the cake when you put warm syrup and peanut butter on top of each cake! Also, my boys love Bananas on the top with some whipped cream (homemade) and some chocolate chips!!! 

Here are a few tips!

Do not overbeat the batter, the more you do the chewier and tougher your pancakes, 
Let the batter rest, after you mix the pancake batter, let it sit for a while. It allows it to relax, 
making for pillowy-soft thick cakes. 
Use bacon fat or shortening to grease the griddle. ( Butter= sticky) 
Let them cakes breathe.  When you pour the batter leave space between 
your cakes so they have room to expand without running into each other. 
They'll stay nice and round!!

  • 1-1/2 cups (6.75 oz/190g) all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
In a small bowl mix the dry ingredients. Set aside and grab another bowl and whisk. 

In the other bowl add all wet ingredients together. 

Mix wet ingredients into the batter just until there is no visible dry flour. Careful not to overmix the batter. 
Go and start your dishes or check on the bacon, warm up your syrup because your batter needs to rest. Ever notice the last few pancakes at the end are just perfect gold and fat and fluffy? This is because the batter has rested for 5 minutes.  

Pour your homemade pancake batter by 1/4 cupfuls onto the greased hot griddle. Make sure to leave enough room between pancakes for expansion.
See those bubbles forming on top of the pancakes? Wait about 40 seconds, make sure you don't flip if you don't see bubbles start to break. Once you see that flip em' Do not fiddle with your cakes, this will take away the bounce and fluffy-ness of your cakes! 

Cook these babies until they are golden brown on the second side. So there you have it! This makes about 8 cakes and you can double the recipe easy. We always had so many pancakes for everyone when my Nana would make these and they are simple enough to do at the campground!  

Another week closer to the craziness of the 2020-2021 school year. I don't know about you but this has to be the one thing that has most given me the anxiety of the kids going back to school during this COVID crap. I wish I had a crystal ball or not very often to I wish this but during these times I wish I had a husband that was a partner who I would bounce ideas, concerns, and choices of life off of. This choice does not feel like much of a winning outcome. So with all that stress here are a few questions that make no one's life better for knowing about me. . 

                         What’s your favorite thing to have for breakfast?
I am not a big fan of breakfast, but I love pancakes that my Dad makes when he is home.  My boys call them Papa cakes, they have called them this for as long as they have been able to talk.  My dad got the skill to make them from my Nana. Her pancakes were the best especially from the skillet when we were camping. I can't make them to save my life.  You also must if you are doing it the right way you have to put peanut butter and syrup OH MY GOODNESS 
                               What is one word that describes you best?
If I can only pick one word only to describe me it would have to be Messy.  My life has never been neat and tidy, I am a self-described mess of a  person.   In my past ( I am working hard on this every day!) I haven't always been organized and often I took on way to many things to try and handle.  I did learn a few things from a friend of mine back home to follow through.  I use to cancel plans and not to tell people that I was overwhelmed or having some anxiety to leave the house that day, so I would come up with reasons why I couldn't go or follow through. Thankfully I am not that same person I only do what I can do and only take on what I can take on.  I stick by my word and I try not to let myself or my boys down. I try to always follow through.   It is something that I really put in hard work working through doing these things. I can say that I do push myself to not cancel, to get the boys into doing fun things, showing them truly that sticking to your word and commitments make you a good human.  Let's be good humans! 

Who was your first best friend?
That would be my mama, then my Grandma Aggie, of course then it is my Auntie Lisa... But if it is one person I didn't live with or wasn't related to... man that is hard because I believe you have several best friends to get you through life...In 1st grade, I was best friends with my mom's best friends daughter she was a year older than me, we were close until about the 4th grade. Then my next really self-made best friend was Marcy, we are still very good friends we were so close and nerdy but we thought we were so cool!  I have had amazing friends my entire life and about 8 truly best friends that have made a big impact on my life still today.   It is amazing that I have been blessed with them.  I wouldn't have gotten through my life without them. I will do a post in a few months highlighting all of them photos to be encluded. (watch out girls!) 
                        What was your favorite/worst subject in High School?
My favorite subject was Chior? Is that a subject?  In all seriousness, it was creative writing with my all-time favorite teacher Mrs.Tarner, she is where I knew that I wanted to be a writer. Her encouragement was always so true and honest. I was able to believe in myself because she believed in me.   
My worst subject was math and Mr. H. that taught it was an asshole, he creeped me out, the girls that did not get bothered by him or didn't say anything passed his class. I didn't take his shit at all and didn't let him touch my shoulders but called him a short Mother F@c*k#r and stormed out of his room... he was going to have me suspended but I moved classes instead and never loved math ever...The dick head of a teacher was not the reason I hated math but in a shit Sundae, he was the cherry on the top. 

What do you want to be when you grow up?
first I wanted to be a mama, then I wanted to be a country singer. I was about six when I decided that, I even had the perfect picture of me with a cowboy hat at my Great Grandparents farm, with a kids size guitar, boots on my Great Grandpa's old truck smiling like it was the best day of my life. I went on thinking that I would really sing country until I was in 11th grade, we got a new choir teacher and she told me I held no talent.  I quit choir the next quarter, heartbroken that I had wasted all this time on private lessons, and singing at church, privately and solos before she came on the scene at school, I even for a second sang in a local grunge garage band.  Now I look back wishing I wouldn't have given up on myself or a dream I had because of one person.  I wish that teachers realized what their words mean to a student.   I still sing to the boys and in the car, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wonder if I would have made it and where those dreams if they did come true, would have lead me? 

Winding the week of birthday posts down.  I have been thinking about what has changed in my life over the years for my birthdays.  I use to be a bit of a spoiled brat and felt like the 3rd of July was the blast-off for my birthday, we would do something special like going to the ocean for the week on vacation.  When I had the boys it was even more special but I still wanted to do things to relax and things I often don't have time for, a day of being pampered, dinner with my girlfriends, time out of being a mom for a few hours. Over the past two years, that has changed.   I want to be with the boys on my birthday, I look forward to the time with them and even though this year wasn't a year we could do much I enjoyed my time with them and my mom.  When I think about the best gift I have ever been given over the years it was my first birthday as a mom for sure. 

The best gift I have been given are not things that I can get at a store but what being given the boys to be a mom too.  The handmade gifts, the cards, and letters that they give me now.  The sweet little gestures that only they can do, trying to give me their money from their wallets they are saving to use on themselves.   I was looking at pictures of when they were first born that I thought I would share today.  They had a hard start in life, but they are fighters.  It is hard to even wrap my head around the idea that the two of them will be nine in just a few short months.  I think this new year coming is going to be one that will be even better than the ones before.  

I didn't understand when my mom said "don't blink." Well, obviously I did because the days might be long but these past years have flown by so fast.  

To say that I am blessed is an understatement.
Not one day goes by that I don't thank God for giving me these two beautiful boys that call me Mama. 
For the two true loves of my life. 

                                                                Little Man

                                                         The boys together 
                       Little Man                                                      B-Man 

                                       Little man on the left, B man on the right. 

                                                                B Man
The best gift of my life is doing this adventure of life with these two humans! 

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