A converstation with a proud wife of a black man.

I was blessed about 10 years ago when at the time Sher was dating my brother in law at the time.  Let's fast forward till now, we both got out of that time in our lives minus the brothers we were together with, she wised up sooner then I did but in the end we both by the grace of God walked away.  Sher is one of my dearest friends and when she married James she was, (as cheesy as it sounds completed) she was the happiest I had ever seen her & had even gotten deeper in her faith by marrying a true man of God.  I am very blessed to have them each in my life along with their children.   I appericate her opening up, to help us see a side of a wife and her point of view.  If we can all just take a minute and put our hearts in others lives maybe just maybe we can all start to heal and change and in change we will all become better humans and better brothers and sisters, if we are the change our children and grandchildren just might have to live in a world of hate. A world where the color of our skin is the only impression we first see, where we judge and where we hate.  It is time where we all love eachother and only care we are from the same race, the human race. 
I was so happy for her, I am still happy for her.  I have met James and he truly is one of the kindest men I have ever met,  He would do anything for anyone just like his wife.  I know one thing I am blessed to have them in my life, I am also blessed that he is in Sher's children's lives instead of any other man that could have been their stepdad.  Here in her own words is a wife showing you that in her own experience of white women begin married to a black man
I am a white woman married to a black man.  My lens may be different then yours.  Although I can not ever say I know how it feels to be judged by the color of my skin I can say I know what it feels like to see the man I love hurt because he is. 
My husband comes from the the streets of Ohio and knows the struggle.  He fought his way to where he is now.  He is a successful black man but that does not matter in America because he is still looked down on.  He worked for a large well known company, a house hold name.  He was in management and had one outstanding review after another.  But the big guys sitting in the big corner offices did not care.  One even called him a dog.. it got so bad that one day they walked him out of the building and took his badge!?!?! But why? 
The problem here, and what broke my heart the most is that he was used to the treatment so he took it!  I had to tell him to stand up and fight.  After calling HR they backed up real quick and reassigned him.  We talked to an attorney who said there actions was wrong and yes we had a discrimination case but do we really want to fight a company with billions of $$.  He took the Reassignment but still was treated poorly.  Now he works as a real estate agent working for himself.  This does not mean he does not have to deal with racism!  For me it’s hard to watch human beings being treated as if they are less then.  As a child of God it is HIS breath In all our lungs, we all were made in the image of God.  I find it a hard pill to swallow when people can’t even say the words Black lives matter.. when I hear No all lives matter it chills me to the core because he leaves the 99 to help the lost. 
Black lives need everyone right now to stand up and fight the unfair treatment of the African-American community.  Yes slavery was ended but that doesn’t mean it stopped they just found a new way.  The 13th amendment ended slavery but there was a clause...it said unless they were criminals then they could still be slaves. So the system was born... stop black people if they crossed the street wrong... BAM now they are a criminal aka slave... they would arrested who ever they could for what ever reason they wanted... our system was built on this model.  And it plays out today in our street.  Young back men and women arrested and put behind bars at an alarming rate. 
I recommend watching 13th on Netflix to get a better understanding.  This is a revolution like no one has ever seen and change is coming.  As for this white woman, I will stand up and fight for real equality!!! So until Black lives truly matter my voice will be loud in support of my brother and sisters of color...
Signed: a proud wife a an amazing Black man!

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